Alone-stand-unit- unwinder station. Equipped with a hydraulic unit for controlling the kinematics of the machine. It has a separate control of the tension control (strain gauge or ultrasonic sensor for measuring the diameter) and edge guiding ribbon. Linear rails.
Mechanics Bosh REXROTH - a brand that is characterized by reliability, long life, trouble-free service life. Material fastening can be done using quick-clamping holders and expansion shafts or pneumatic pivots, mechanically activated by lateral force.
We provide the unwinder with web guiding systems, automatic tension control as well as braking systems with retrieving energy. The kinematics of the unwinder movement can be realized by means of hydraulic or electric drives.
- Working width: 1000-2000 [mm]
- Max diameter material: 2000 [mm]
- Max mass material: 2000 [kg]
- Brakes: Pneumatic - RENOVA
- Expading chucks: Mechanical/ Pneumatic
- Web Tension control: Automatic - Load cells / dancer shaft
- Web guiding: Automatic - ultrasonic web guiding system +-25 including oscillation mode
- Hydraulic lifting of parent roll: Control of the hand panel
- Touch screen panel: SIEMENS - KTP400
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NEMITECH Sp. z o.o.
ul. Poligonowa 22, 18-400 Łomża
tel/fax: +48 505 420 211
e-mail: nemitech@nemitech.pl
Sąd Rejonowy w Białymstoku, BI.XII Wydz. Gosp. KRS 0000672779, NIP 7182145994, REGON 367001883, Kapitał zakładowy: 50.000,00 PLN